Sunday, March 28, 2010

A sleepy Sunday

It's been a rainy afternoon and Dustind under the weather. He is getting so tall - and trim like his Dad!
Maddy worked a bit on her flashdance moves... now that she has mastered crawling all she wants to do is stand up and climb!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Maddy is 10 months

With so many sweet summer dresses - I couldn't wait to dress her up!! At 10 months our wee girls is crawling, pulling herself up to staning & clapping her hands.

Her newest words are 'up' and 'uh-ohh'. Once I figure out the video camera I'll post some video's of the kids.

It looks like Dustind was up to some similar tricks at 10 months tackling the stairs!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Outdoor playtime

We had wonderful weather on March break and took full advantage of our great back yard!

Playing soccer with Dad

Maddy's latest accomplishment is waving and saying 'Ha' for 'Hi'.

Papa Bob and I spying on the neighbours... an ambulance drove up their laneway and we wanted the scoop on what was going on.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Maddy at 9 months

Even though Maddy will be 10 months next week... we didn't want to forget about her 9 month picture!!! Big news this month... Maddy is now crawling - sometimes a bit like a crab but still making her way across the room!! Way to go Maddy!

A visit with Nana

Nana came down for a visit to help mom out last week and with the help of the little elf Maddy set up a surprise in my bedroom! I now have a table that I can build lego, colour or play with toys in my very own room! I love it! I shared some secrets with Nana before she left and even snuck some of my homework in her purse as a surprise for when she got home! Hope you enjoyed all of your reading Nana!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

No pictures today but here is our latest...

Another tooth broke through - this is #3 - an eye tooth. I have a feeling that three more will follow within the next week. Her latest words are Dutn, Da-Da, Ma-Ma and Nnn Nnn and Thhh.
Uh Oh is coming out as a humm from time to time too! Such a happy girl!

Loving the sunshine lately in Ontario and having lots of outdoor play time. Brought home a great 'community board' from Strawberry Patch and loves his new room set up with the art table to do his pictures and play lego

Got my cast off today! Unfortuanately I am in a brace for three more weeks and can not stand on my right leg yet. Life on crutches certainly is interesting!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Strawberry Patch Party

The fun continues at Strawberry patch with a birthday celebration! GG drove Mom and Maddy to watch! I sat at the front of the classroom with a special hat on. I got to select the special helpers to hand out napkins, rice crispy squares and juice. Mrs. Berry presented me with a great book bag. At the end of the day I gave each of my friends a fancy pencil to do their homework with.

Maddy's play date

While we were enjoying our movie in the family room - Grace and Maddy had a play date! Grace is one year older than Maddy.

Nana dressed Maddy up in her pretty ballerina dress and ribbon in her hair!

In this picture Maddy is almost as big as Grace!

The party and all of the attention wore Maddy out!

Party Time

We had a great time at my party!
Daniel, Noah and Ben came to clebrate with me!

Daddy helped us all make our own pizzas! They were yummy!

Mommy played a great movie character guessing game with us! We all won prizes for our great guessing.

Opening presents is always fun. Thanks to my friends for all of my great gifts!
Thank you to Nana and Susan who made the trip down to help out with my party! Thank you Annie and Guncle for my cool magic gift. Pappa - we missed you but know you were thinking of my on my special day! I loved my new t-shirts and spiderman plate, bowl and cup! I feel like a superhero now!

All set to Party

The balloons have arrived, the cake is made. The banner strung and the loot bags stuffed! We are all set to party!