Sunday, November 28, 2010

Diagio kids Christmas party

Today we went out to the Diagio Christmas party. Upon arrival the kids got gift bags with fun things like teddy bears, colour books, crayons and books.
Then onto the craft table. We made aprons, christmas decorations, placemats and decorated cookies. This is one of me decorating my cookie.

After crafts we had a great lunch. Maddy enjoyed a plate of raspberries and ate one chicken finger - then onto the 'colours' to draw in her colouring book!

Then onto the entertainment... two women from the Science center entertained us. One of them walked on stilts - the other was a mad scientist. I sat with my arm around Maddy to make sure she felt comfortable with all of those kids!

You would think that the day couldn't get any better... but then Santa came to visit and gave us each a gift. I got my picture taken with him, however Maddy was a bit afraid of Santa and clung to mom like glue.

Needless to say we were a wee bit tired and fell asleep all the way home!

GG's 70th birthday

Grandma Milroy 'GG' turned 70 today. The family went to her house last night to help her to celebrate.
The kids got dressed up in their green plaids.
we attempted to take a family photo... however it is a little challenging with Maddy these days being so busy and Dustind keeps closing his eyes for the camera!

My beautiful family

Me and my girl

One of the attempted family shots

GG with her lemon cakes

Maddy is 18 Months

Maddy is 18 months!
She is stringing three words together to communicate... "sit here mommy"... for when she wants to read a book.... "more cereal please"... her favourite meal of choice at the moment. "ho ho ho" to answer the question "What does Santa say Maddy?"
It has been a busy week - a birthday party for GG and a kid's Christmas party for daddy's work - no chair picture as Mom was out with the girls the night of Maddy's actual 18 month birthday... but following are some shots from the days following

All dressed up with my winter dress coat on!
Thank you Nana for my beautiful green dress!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Dustind was long overdue for a haircut - just like Mom's hair -they have to cut as much of the volume as they do the length...

Maddy just got her bang's trimmed - mom is too afraid that she will loose the only curl that she has - note on the right hand side of the picture below for record. All signs point to Maddy having Dad's super straight hair!


Harry Potter visits Hoover Park Drive with Hedwig!

Professor Mcgonagol showed up as a cat...

Dad as a joker... of some sort
Heading out to trick-or-treat for the first time ever - Maddy made it to one house! Dustind was the king collector of the loot - and the scar stayed on the entire evening thanks to Mom's Mac makeup!

17 Months Old

And it is getting a little more challenging getting Maddison to sit still for her monthly photo! This was taken back on October 24... Mom is a bit late in getting her blog posts up!
Maddison is not only walking but running now... she no longer crawls down the stairs but likes to walk all of the time. She love her 'shoes' and 'boots'.
Her favourite game with dad is to run and jump into his arms - just like Does! Maddison refuses to allow Mom to put anything in her hair at all - no clips, no hair bands no bows!!! But she does love to dress up!