Well in Whoville they say, that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day!
Dustind did a great job playing the part of a 'who' in the Grinch who stole Christmas today at the Strawberry Patch Christmas Concert! Thanks to Mrs. Berry for all of her GREAT work with the kids to pull off such a great concert.
Our friend Sharron purchased all of the teacher gifts and Dustind was selected to help to give them out. Each teacher received a beautiful arrangement for their Christmas table. A local family in need was provided a Christmas dinner and toys and the school presented a gift certificate to Mastermind for new toys. Mrs. Berry reminded the class that Christmas is also about giving to others so we all felt good about this gift!
Santa even came for a visit to the school and brought us gifts!
Thanks to Nana and GG for coming to watch Dustind in his play. What a lucky boy!