We had lots of fun at my party...
My newest friend Brianna came and slept almost the whole time

It was so hot I ate a LOT of watermelon!

Mommy read to all of my friends my new book 'If you give a cat a cupcake'

The bigger kids had a sprinkle relay race game. Brian-John and Blake were most serious about the game and were pleased to win.

We played pin the candle on the cupcake...
I practiced my walking with Mommy (and did it on my own that night!)
Lola is tall like her Mommy and Daddy - she can even reach the rings on our play gym

I decided that climbing the slide was more my thing. Thanks Papa for the hand up!

Simon, Blake and Dustind hid in the play gym and ate the 'sprinkles' (Mike and Ike Candies) after the race

Auntie Carin baked beautiful cupcakes for my party! I loved when everyone sang to me and the candle on the cupcake!
Dustind sure loved the chocolate
And I got a taste of both Chocolate and Vanilla!
Auntie Megs - you look great with Brianna... Parke and Emma think that you should have another one :)

Thanks everyone for making my day so special!