Our friends Darcy and Leah have a competition every Easter called the 'Peeps Show'. This year they had an open call for submissions so we have decided to throw our hat into the ring. Dustind acted as Director, Choreographer, Costume Designer, Stunt Man and Producer. Mommy was behind the camera and just took the shots. Dustind setting up for the flying scene.

Arial view of the epic battle between Chicoda and Darth Bunny on the bridge Note the Bunnies

overlooking the scene with their battle armour in hand protecting the republic. Reinforcements land on

top of the Imperial Walker. Note - Peep Bunny driver in front because everyone knows that bunnies are better drivers than chicks...

Darth Bunny falls to her demise - ships fly in to confirm she is indeed dead and the bunny republic is safe once more.