This was yet another busy weekend. Mom had a ladies night / Sunday a.m. in Toronto. Dad and kids picked her up from the hotel around 12:30 for a jam packed afternoon.
We started with hot-dogs from a vendor at Nathan Phillips square. I think the birds ate more than the kids!

Following was an amazing Jay's game.
Dustind wore his uniform baseball hat...
We got to see the Jay's win - including a home run (no fireworks though!). Dustind informed me that his team was so good that he would have been able to beat them as well! Pictured below is the age 6 Stoufville 5 pitch team! Dustind is number 12 - his Papa's favourite number. Watch out Blue Jay's!

Icecream was the highlight (and running down the ramp from the 500 level!)
We also made it on the big screen - but you had to really look to know it was us!!