Thanks to Nana and Papa - Dustind and Maddy have all new clothes for the winter!
Dutind was thrilled to get the Nurf Blaster that he had been asking for since the summer time.
We had another delicious dinner with Nana, Papa, Guncle and Annie (Diesel and Barchleigh as well). After full bellies we all managed to find sleeping places and cuddled in for the night.
Boxing Day Papa took of for Florida at 7:30 a.m. with Guncle and Annie and Diesel. Maddy and Mom got to say good-buy to them and wish them a safe trip. Due to poor weather - the trip took one day longer than expected but we were happy to hear they made it to Sarasota safe and sound and are warm at last! We miss you Papa!!!
Dustind proudly showing off his Nurf Blaster in front of Nana's nutcracker colection (Dustind's favourite decoration at Christmas)
Maddy found a quiet little corner - and tried to stay awake after feating on cheese and crackers all afternoon!
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