Dustind played 'Franz' in his Montessori school play 'The Nutcracker' - he remembered all of his lines!! He is the only one in red and white polka dot p.j's on the stage!!!
Mom was so proud and has lot's of video footage... still need to figure out how to post it!
Dustind and Maddy were really patient throughout the month of December. Dustind was really concerned if he made Santa's good list or not. There were several discussions about his 'naughty' moments over the past four months and weather or not the good ones would weigh out the bad.
Finally Santa sent Dustind a video to tell him he was on the 'good' list about a week before Christmas. I've never seen a child so excited! Later that night he declared that when Santa puts you on the good list he puts your name in permanent marker - therefore he can't rub you out!
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