Monday, March 21, 2011

March Break

Although not 'off' March Break was still fun for Dustind. We kicked off the week with dinner dates with Ben and then Daniel.

Dustind also had a special day out to Build A Bear as a special reward for making good decisions while at School. Dustind brought his rainbow bear for a visit to his birth place and choose 'Lucky' to bring home to the Milroy home!

Unfortuanately there was a trip to the hardware store that same day that the kids were board silly on...

We took a trip for a long weekend at the cottage - and guess what? There was sun! We stopped at Kawartha Dairy on the way up. Went skiing at Sir Sams and had Friends over.

All in all a good March break!

Proof of the sun... and still a bit of snow at the cottage!

Monday, March 7, 2011

King of the Castle

Need I say more...

A Fun Family Weekend

The weather didn't start out great (pouring rain) but we decided Saturday night to make a run up to the cottage to get in a few more runs - and are we ever glad we did! The drive up was less than stellar - but when we go thtere... Mom had to gun the mini-van out of the cottage lane just to make it over to the ski hill. (this after getting out to try to remove some of the snow bank the plow left early in the morning after coming along Parson's road.

Our morning view on Sunday!

Dustind heading out on a snowy trail at Sir Sams!

Before going up to the cottage - we took a trip to the library on Saturday afternoon where Maddy was working on her computer skills... she is really adapt at punching out on the keyboard and turning it on and off... well we all have to start somewhere!