Thursday, June 30, 2011

Stacey's Shower

Stacey is home from Australia to get married! We had a shower for her last week - few images of the 'Skinner' ladies below:

Stacey and Sacha

Auntie Cheryl - ready to be a bride again looking stunning as always!

Uncle Gord (our runner) and Groom to be Sacha

Holly and Autie Cheryl

Maddy - our little helper and entertainer for the evening

Auntie Marnie - mother of the bride

Holly Dolly - (oops... Sorry can't call you that now that you have your LLP?)

Me before my hair exploded in the humidity

My lovely as ever Mom (by the way I want that dress one day)

Bloom and Grow

I've been encouraging my clamatis plant for over three years now... and this year it paid off with blooms a plenty! So happy wiht how the side garden is coming along!

The Graduate Part 2

Round two... Strawberry Patch.
When Dustind wasn't in JK / SK - he was at Strawberry Patch Montessori School.
Dustind had an awesome experience with Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Evers and Mrs. Shaban (Mr. Berry joined for the last two months).
Mrs. Berry read every day with Dustind and he diligently completed three work-books (earning a trip to McDonalds after each work book with Mrs. Berry).
On top of a fantastic start to education -Dustind also created wonderful crafts and participated in plays where he had his own speaking lines.
At the ceremony he held a candle (battery lit) and sang 'this little light of mine' with all of the seniors. AT the end of the song he annouced to the audience what school he would be attending next year for grade one.
We love you Dustind and are so proud!!!

The Graduate Part 1

We are proud to annouce our the graduation of Dustind Kai Milroy from Mrs. Eng's SK class June 2011.

Dustind had the pleasure of attending two years with Mrs. Eng. Mrs. Eng complimented Dustind for being both 'spirited' and 'imaginative' a very good reader and writer.

Dustind shared with the class that when he grows up he wants to be a Doctor - which is good because immediately following the ceremony he went to the splash pad beside the school, whiped out runnign around and skinned his knee's so badly he told me his legs were 'like they were broken...'

We are so proud of you Dustind!!!

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Dustind picked it from the tank... Maddy cried when he showed it to her!

Bits of 2 year Birthday

Thursday, June 23, 2011

2 year old Diva

Need we say more...


Don't worry Blue Jays - help is on the way - in about 15 years or so... Dustind knocked one out of the park on Wednesday night (well it made a really loud crack when he it the ball). He is more and more excited for 5 pitch - that's right foalks - no T for DK!! He got to be pitcher and catcher as well this week. Go Dustind Go!