Saturday, April 23, 2011

Thanks Darcy, Leah and Lola for making a great video out of my Peeps Entry - this is the coolest thing ever...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Peeps Wars

Our friends Darcy and Leah have a competition every Easter called the 'Peeps Show'. This year they had an open call for submissions so we have decided to throw our hat into the ring. Dustind acted as Director, Choreographer, Costume Designer, Stunt Man and Producer. Mommy was behind the camera and just took the shots. Dustind setting up for the flying scene. Arial view of the epic battle between Chicoda and Darth Bunny on the bridge Note the Bunnies overlooking the scene with their battle armour in hand protecting the republic. Reinforcements land on top of the Imperial Walker. Note - Peep Bunny driver in front because everyone knows that bunnies are better drivers than chicks... Darth Bunny falls to her demise - ships fly in to confirm she is indeed dead and the bunny republic is safe once more.

Gracie's 3rd Birthday

It was Gracie's third birthday last weekend. Mommy and Gracie's mommy met when they were three! This is Gracie on the right with her cousin Maddie on the right -she was a beautiful princess! Me going down the slide - I think I set a record for sliding that day Dustind high up in one of the climbing gyms Dustind and Noah (Gracie's brother) on one of the climbing walls

Basement Finished!

A view of the play area / pool table. View coming down the stairs to the tv room (or the Wii TV!). What do you think of hte mirror Mom and Dad! My new favourite bathroom (kind of hard to get a good shot!)

Winter Wrap Up

The last ski weekend at the cottage (back in March... Mom has been a little preoccupied with work lately)! Maddy and Dustind decide to pull out the helmets to make sure that they still fit for spring rides on Ziggy with Papa! Bathtub big enough for two! Carl taking a moment to relax (note Diagio issued laptop open on the table in front of him)

Spring Feaver

After a long but fun winter... we are finally ready for some spring time! Maddy is practicing 'tubing' Dusind is workign on his best ice-cream licking technique Maddy is trying on her summer hat (which used to be Mommy's) And Dustind is working on flexing his muscles for when he is at the beach (as you can tell he has already shed his winter pounds...) You can't have spring without a fabulous pair of rubber boots to splash around in! Thanks Maya - I LOVE these and wear them every day!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I recently had the opportunity to travel to Chicago for the Promotional Marketing Association's annual confernce. 2 days, 14 presenters and 2 working lunches. I had evenings free and used my time to walk around! I arrived at night to this beautiful city - my cell phone images don't do justice to the city scape!

River running through the city

More interesting architecture

Giant spider constructed out of lego

The closest I got to Oprah while in Chicago (leaving O'Hare airport!)

Friday, April 1, 2011

A cup of Optimism Anyone?

Right up my ally... optimism and coffee. On of my latest projects - opening up a cafe for Maxwell House in Montreal for one month - with free coffee to everyone who visits. So far PR loves it and day one we have had line-ups! Check out the website to see the great tv spots And this helps to explain why I haven't been blogging about my kids (about 4 other programs just as big going on at the same time!)