Monday, May 30, 2011

Backyard Oasis!

After several years of planing and hard work - the backyard is really starting to feel lush! Mom had to share the beautiful red blooms on the crabapple tree just a week ago! Enjoy!

Blue Jays Game

This was yet another busy weekend. Mom had a ladies night / Sunday a.m. in Toronto. Dad and kids picked her up from the hotel around 12:30 for a jam packed afternoon.

We started with hot-dogs from a vendor at Nathan Phillips square. I think the birds ate more than the kids!

Following was an amazing Jay's game.

Dustind wore his uniform baseball hat...

We got to see the Jay's win - including a home run (no fireworks though!). Dustind informed me that his team was so good that he would have been able to beat them as well! Pictured below is the age 6 Stoufville 5 pitch team! Dustind is number 12 - his Papa's favourite number. Watch out Blue Jay's!

Icecream was the highlight (and running down the ramp from the 500 level!)

We also made it on the big screen - but you had to really look to know it was us!!

Maddy goes culinary

This year Hoover Park... 15 years the Cordon Bleu in France???

Maddy Turn's Two

We celebrated Maddy's birthday up at Nana and pappa's house. This year's birthday theme is ice cream! Mom made cake pops instead of cake this year.

Maddy got a new pair of PJs.... her first nighty

She looked oh-so- grown up in her new dress and shoes!

Maddy enjoying being the center of attention

Even Dustind got a gift from Auntie Marnie that he enjoyed!