Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Numbers are facinating to my kids.

All summer Dustind quizzed Carl and I our our addition and multiplication abilities - we found it ammuzing and answered all of his questions. Secrety I found I was brushing up on my own 'math' and would be a speed thing to see who answered first.

Maddy is great at counting -up to 12 on her own, which Carl and I boast about with pride. But she doesn't like '1' of anything- she always asks for 'two 1's'. We have tried correcting but really it is one of those cute things I really don't want to correct her on.

Despite Maddy's nack for memorizing, she will pretty much get excited about anything her brother coaches her on. Lately he has her saying with as much excitement as winning the lottery "I'm number 9" - where the obsession with 9 has come from I don't know. Why Dustind finds this amusing I don't know either - but hey - nothing wrong with number 9 I suppose.

What I do know as a mom is that I'm excited my kids like numbers so much! In life this will only serve them well!

Monday, September 19, 2011

We had a fantastic weekend. Saturday Mom and I went down to the Toronto FC game where she had awesome seats right above the net for us! We got to visit the MLSE suite, eat pizza, cotten candy and drink sports drinks.

After the game we went back to Stouffville and met up with Maddy and Daddy who were at the apple picking farm. We had fun climbing the hay bales, picking pumpkins, going for a tractor ride, climbing apple trees and picking apples. Sunday we spent the morning baking apple pie and apple crisp!

I am STILL a succer for a tractor...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Movie in the park!

There are many perks to living in a small town - like movie night in the park!
The town of Stouffville had an early release of Car's 2. so we hopped on our bikes, wen to the park, set up our chairs and enjoyed kettle corn from the market and a great movie!

The kids discussing the animation and storyline...


It was a bit chilly the first day of school this year.
Dustind entered Grade 1 at Oscar Peterson and Maddison had her first day in the pre-school room at Christ Church!

Dustind was excited to put on his new 'dress' pants for grade one - he pulled them up, and then they fell back down. Still weighing in at 40 pounds but keeping pace with his growth in height - it has been a wee bit challenging getting pants to stay up!

Dustind's teacher is Miss Carvalho and we love her! At curriculum night she mentioned that Dustind fits into the classroom well and shows initiative - but we arleady knew he was a 'brain' - as demonstrated by his home-made t-shirt of the brain below! (And no - he didn't wear this the first day of school!)


All you need is your own imagination
So use it that's what it's for (that's what it's for)
Go inside for your finest inspiration
Your dreams will open the door

Friday, September 9, 2011

Carl Love's Cats

for those of you who really know Carl - you will get the irony of this picture... Forcing Carl to this show would be a sure way to hospitalize him in a matter of minutes...