Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Following are 10 of the many reasons we love our dad so much:
1. He plays with us and dances with us
2. He loves to watch the Avengers as much as I do
3. He always tells me I am the prettiest girl in the world
4. He practices Soccer with us in the backyard
5. He is a great snuggler (Mom seconds this)
6. He cheers us on at our soccer games, at the ski hill and swimming pool
7. Makes home made pancakes and bacon every weekend and the best cheesy eggs in the world even on a school day (fathers day we made him crepes, rosti and his favourite breakfast sausage)
8. Takes us for drives in his cool car (and checked with the police first to see if it was ok!)
9. Set's off fireworks and let's us 'help' (OK this is for Dustind only and boy did he run after he helped to light the match ... of course Mom was yelling 'RUN Dustind RUN'). This is one even that Mom may not allow to happen again).
10. Let's us empty all of his wine 'samples' so that we can return them for the money every weekend (and when your Dad is in the wine business it adds up through the week).

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